But most importantly: How to generate hundreds of HIGHLY TARGETED EMAIL LEADS in Seconds?
Every Marketer, Sales manager or any Business owner at one point of their career dreams about having a clean spreadsheet filled with data of highly targeted leads that will bring you closer to your next closed deal. With a bit of knowledge and curiosity, anyone can accomplish a task of finding targeted leads. But how fast?
We were facing both of those problems and tried to fight it.
🔥🔥 So how to generate lots of highly targeted email leads in a very short time? 🔥🔥
A quick and easy answer is, use our tool 🙂 But before you use the tool you should define your strategic targets.
- Who is your targeted persona (e.g. Business owner, Product manager, Account manager, …)
- What is the problem you are solving (Use cases)
- In which industries?
- What are the ideal company predispositions? (Employees – size, Structure, Revenue, Year funded, …)
- Geographic location
- and more…
Let’s assume that you are looking for completely fresh leads that have never met your CRM before.
First things First
Focus on a strategy
- 🔥 Focus on a specific role and search broadly (e.g. regionally) – This is our focus 🔥
- Target specific companies and look for their employee’s roles
- Some tools can help you find information about what tools companies are using. If your solution or service can help them do their job better while using those tools, you have a case (see example fo Tesla Motors)
- and others…
Focus on original source of the leads
Your leads can come from various sources. We usually focus on one source a time. It helps us to understand how to target the leads and what is the best ways to collect them. It also giver us a god data set to inspect and evaluate how good of targeting are we doing. We also ask ourselves if we can do it better? And in general, we just assess the quality of the approach. Depending on your industry and product, you need to identify channels that work for your lead generation, best. If we talk about the B2B landscape you might want to try the following channels.
- 🔥LinkedIn – This is our focus 🔥
- And others
Focusing on a source at the time will help to you to optimize the targeting and really hone your approach to reach the best outcome.
To be fair, there are many tools that can help you generate leads in many different ways. The one we are presenting below is probably the fastest. You can generate 500 leads in the matter of minutes.
Prospect Role 🔥 (prospectrole.com) 👈Click
Lead generation tool that will help you generate role-based email leads from any country having a profile on LinkedIn!
- Role-based search geographically
- Linkedin profiles
- Affordable (0$ – FREE unlimited usage (Chrome extension))
- CSV or XLSX Excel export
- Email verification (100 credits)
- Time to generate 100 high-quality leads – 1 minute 🔥🔥🔥
*Full disclaimer: We developed Prospect role
Try it – could be exactly what you are looking for 😉🤯 This is how your spreadsheets will look:
Full spreadsheet with the following information will help you to personalize your email marketing campaigns.
- Full name
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Email verification (Deliverable, Risky or not Deliverable)
- Role
- Company name (with limited accuracy)
- Linkedin URL
- Country
- Email type (gmail.com, Outlook.com,….)
If your campaign requires a more personalized approach and you need more data – find a way how to enrich the data.
Plug the data into your campaign and test, test, test, … Until you see the results of your sweat and tears 😉